On the third August weekend, the 23rd JETI model of the meeting was held at the Czech heaven airfield. Pilots from several European countries have traditionally few days in advance to enjoy the airport’s atmosphere and services, and some foreign participants have flown demonstration flights before Civilian Aviation Authorities committee.
Saturdays show flight were not stop not even during two short rain showers. Flying contiued the whole day till late night flights with lit helicopters and aerobatic planes. Among the best show flights were Gernot Bruckmann with giant Fokker Dr1, duo Gernot and Hannes Lutzenberger with the giant BD5 jets. Our friends from Hepf Modellbau showed ultra-fast delta wings, the Hacker team presented several giant gliders and electric-powered towing planes that can handle the twenty kilogram glider without difficulty.
Also worth mentioning is the magnificent biplane Albatros build by Vladimir Rynes, or the FW 50 Weihe glider with a wingspan 4.75m flown by Jindra Marka, or a replica of czech plane Kuňkadlo, built and presented by one of the founders of the JETI model, Juraj Tinka.